Eastern Region *An asterisk indicates that the property is no longer in our portfolio Photos of Eastern Region properties can be found HERE County CityProperty Name Adams Othello Lion's Park Apartments Asotin Clarkston Clarkston Gardens * Clarkston Manor Apartments * Cottonwood Glen Apartments * Fair Street Apartments * Columbia Dayton Knoblock Apartments * Ferry Republic Pine Bluff Senior Apartments Franklin Connell Pioneer Park Apartments Mesa Ringold * Pasco Pinecrest Apartments * Vineyards Apartments * Spokane Airway Heights Airway Pointe Apartments Spokane Birchtree Apartments * Brookside/Brookstone Apartments * Heritage Heights Apartments * North Cliff Terrace Apartments * Oxford House * Regal Arms Apartments * Westfall Village Apartments * Woodruff Heights Apartments * Spokane Valley East Valley Senior Housing * Sprague Crossing Sprague Senior Housing Tschirley Crossing Tschirley Senior Housing Stevens Colville Valley Breeze Apartments * Hunters Columbia Senior Apartments * Walla Walla Walla Walla Galbraith Gardens Valle Lindo Washington School Apartments * Whitman Colfax Marcus Place Pullman Bellevue Duplexes Community Action Center Northwood Manor Apartments * Outlook Apartments * Palouse Trace *